A huge disaster suddenly trash our nation few days back,insane flood took nearly 50’s of life till today.we cannot bring back those who already lost there life but we can give a life for those who are still alive there and crawling for life.Millon’s have lost there home and relatives.With in a week there will be big problem.Food,Clothes,shelter along with medication will effect remaining lifes.
As we all know that political issue had made a big misunderstanding and gap between Phadi and Terai and Currently, we should stand strong to clear it out.Now especially our Terai people are suffering more,Many droplets of water makes an ocean so lets unite,support them to atleast stay alive and lets make them feel there are so many hidden brother and sister to support them when they are mishap by flood.
Account Information
Account holder name: Shreeram Das
Bank: SBI
Bank account number: 31522569202
IFSC code: SBIN0004456
Contact directly: +919535010220
Funds collection Flow
Collection point Banglore Shreeram
Transfer Kathmandu Anil maharjan www.hamronib.com
Donation to Medication for Nepal Anil and Kabin www.medicationfornepal.com