Pharmacy License Test Preparation 8

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1. Liquid paraffin exhibits:

2. The vitamin administration with isoniazid to minimise its adverse reaction is:

3. Acidity of Ascrobicacid is due to the presence of

4. pH of a buffer system can be calculated by using:

5. In which limit test, silver nitrate is used for producing opalescence.

6. Color of Methyl orange indicator in alkali will be

7. What part of the cell does the Kreb's cycle take place?

8. Potentiometer is used to measure:

9. Bathochromic shift depend upon:

10. Alkaloid in cinchona bark are detected by:

11. Mechanism of action of Vincristine is

12. The undesirable effects of Chloramphenicol is

13. Acetazolamide inhibit

14. A Lipophylic group is responsible for the potency and the toxicity of

15. One of the following is not Benzodiazepine:

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