Nursing license Preparation Test 10

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1. Which of the following is included in a full liquid diet?

2. Which food is included in a BLAND DIET?

3. Which of the following if done by the nurse, is correct during NGT Insertion?

4. Which of the following is the BEST method in assessing for the correct placement of the NGT?

5. A terminally ill cancer patient is scheduled for an NGT feeding today. How should you position the patient?

6. A client is scheduled for NGT Feeding. Checking the residual volume, you determined that he has 40 cc residual from the last feeding. You reinstill the 40 cc of residual volume and added the 250 cc of feeding ordered by the doctor. You then instill 60 cc of water to clear the lumen and the tube. How much will you put in the client’s chart as input?

7. Which of the following if done by a nurse indicates deviation from the standards of NGT feeding?

8. What is the most common problem in TUBE FEEDING?

9. Which of the following is TRUE in colostomy feeding?

10. A client with TPN suddenly develops tremors, dizziness, weakness and diaphoresis. The client said “I feel weak” You saw that his TPN is already empty and another TPN is scheduled to replace the previous one but its provision is already 3 hours late. Which of the following is the probable complication being experienced by the client?

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